Ginger Oil is extracted from a culinary herb highly used in Asia, especially Indian cooking but the Lavender Oil is having great values and it is known for high valued therapeutic grade essential oils. It is highly used to treat stomach problems, ache of tires muscles and improving blood circulation.

The Ginger Oil smells very strong, earthy and spicy. As it already being used in curries and other edible things, so the internal use of this oil cannot be avoided. It is safe oil and not cause any kind of allergies, but sometimes it cause photosensitivity. Only more than 4 time’s diluted version can be used internally. It should be diluted in water, rise milk or soya milk.

These days Ginger Oil is highly used in scrubs and massage oils. For making the massage oil using a therapeutic grade Ginger oil, one should dilute it into olive oil or any other vegetable oil like Grape Seed Oil. It is highly useful in treatment of arthritis, eases minor aches and joint pains and makes you feel warmer; in result you will feel highly circulated and refreshed.

This warming property of Ginger Oil makes it more wonderful and useful for treating and soothing yet invigorating bath. For treating cold and sore throat, one can put few drops into water and take gargle to feel relaxed. It can ease your throat pain and fever.

Ginger Oil is highly useful in nausea, indigestion and sea sickness and stomach disorders. Easting ginger is prescribed for the patients of morning sickness. One should take this ginger oil after getting prescription from his/her doctor. It should not be recommended for infants or small kids.